Auch diese Woche schauen wir wieder detaillierter in das Wikifolio Trend. Der G20 Gipfel warf seine Schatten voraus. Was bedeutet das für unsere Handelsstrategie?
Das aktuelle Portfolio
Gespickt ist das Portfolio mit Aktien aus Deutschland und internationalen Playern. Die Verteilung liegt bei knapp 50:50. Die Cashquote beträgt nach wie vor ca. 30%.

Unsere Neuafnahme der letzten Woche (IDEXX) kommt nur mächlich in Gang. Auch XILINX leidet nach wie vor unter der Schwäche der Halbleiterindustrie. Bechtle konnte sich hingegen von dem Kurseinbruch von vor 2 Wochen wieder deutlich erholen. Das Festhalten und die Beibehaltung der Voll im Trend Strategie war hier also ein guter Weg.
Wirecard drückt die Performance
Die Performance des Wikifolios wird derzeit vom Bezahldienstleister Wirecard gedeckelt. Wirecard ist im Portfolio mit knapp 30% etwas übergewichtet und verlor in der letzten Woche knapp 5%. Dieser Verlust wurde durch die Performance der anderen Aktien ausgeglichen, sorgt aber dafür, dass der Wertzuwachse unseres Portfolios etwas stockt. Sollte Wirecard aber wieder zu neuen Höhen ansetzen und das Marktumfeld am Montag durch den G20 Gipfel und dem Treffen zwischen Trump und Kim (Nordkorea) positiv beeinflusst werden, bin ich mir sicher, dass auch unser Wikifolio sich weiter sehr positiv entwickeln wird.
Bis dahin: stay strong, go long!
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Hinweis: Nach WHPG§34b zur Aufklärung über mögliche Interessenskonflikte: Der Verfasser ist in einige Aktien selbst investiert.
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Расширен ассортимент наличия памятных монет в московском интернет-магазине Monety.Shop, который предлагает купить золотые слитки, золотые монеты Георгий Победоносец, Золотой Червонец-Сеятель и памятные серебрянные монеты.Руководство Монеты.Shop напоминает, что во времена нестабильности на финансовых рынках всегда наступает лучшее время для инвестиций в физическое золото и серебро. Золотые инвестиционные монеты позволяют сохранить деньги во время финансового кризиса или сильной волатильности на финансовых и инвестиционных рынках, так как золото является ликвидным активом. Каталог подлинных золотых и серебрянных монет, а также слитков из золота интернет-магазина „Монеты.Шоп“ расширен. Теперь практически всегда в наличии для продажи монеты „Георгий Победоносец“, золотые мерные слитки и серебрянные памятные монеты. А в настоящее время в продаже имеется и золотая монета „Золотой червонец – Сеятель“. Купить инвестиционные монеты по низким ценам с доставкой по всей России или самовывозом из офиса в Москве можно не только в банке, но и в данном онлайн-магазине.Почему нужно вкладываться в золото и серебро?Инвестиционные монеты и слитки из драгоценных металлов — долгосрочный инвестиционный инструмент для хеджирования многих рыночных рисков. Операции с инвестиционными монетами не облагаются НДС, а это позволяет добиться их обращения по ценам, сопоставимым со стоимостью содержащегося в них драгоценного металла. Ну и не нужно забывать о диверсификации инвестиционного портфеля, в который должны входить не только реальный и онлайн-бизнес, недвижимость, акции голубых фишек, но и драгоценные металлы.Достоинства интернет-магазина золотых слитков Monety.ShopРитейлер по продаже инвестиционных золотых слитков Monety.Shop основан компанией Монеты.ру, в которой работают профессионалы банковской отрасли и эксперты по инвестициям в драгоценные металлы. Компания имеет все необходимые лицензии для осуществления деятельности по покупке и продаже инвестиционных монет, а также регистрацию в пробирной палате города Москвы, что гарантирует конфиденциальность всех проводимых сделок, так как безопасность и комфорт клиентов является её безусловным приоритетом. Качество и подлинность предлагаемых нашим клиентам монет, гарантируется подтверждающими банковскими документами и прямыми поставками из банков-партнёров. Качество и подлинность слитков гарантируется подтверждающими сертификатами и информацией в ГИИС ДМДК Федеральной пробирной палаты.Контакты магазина, где продаются инвестиционные монеты
Временная Регистрация Для Трудоустройства заявление информация о ходе рассмотрения вашего запроса Ижевск Санкт-Петербург Иваново Симферополь Нижнекамск Подольск Каменск-Уральский Псков Долгопрудный Обнинск Тобольск
After I originally left a comment I seem to have clicked the -Notify me when new comments are added- checkbox and from now on every time a comment is added I receive four emails with the same comment. There has to be a means you can remove me from that service? Thanks!
Таможенное оформление товаров из Китая – ASIANCATALOG
Китайские продавцы хорошо понимают, что коммерческие грузы в Россию транспортируются двумя способами, применительно официального таможенного оформления и серой схемой, больше распространенной как карго. В чем отличие между этими несколькими методами импорта и также на какие задачи нужно сосредоточить внимание при экспорте груза из Китая возможностями продавца.
Правомерное таможенное оформление грузов из Китая – это таможенное оформление которое проводиться на основании с таможенным законодательством ЕАЭС и также защищенной законом Российской Федерации.
Неофициальное таможенное оформление (карго) заключает повышенные риски утраты товара, не защищено законом и также не содержит официальных документов.
Учитывая то, что Российская Федерация придает характерное внимание таможенному оформлению, релевантность неофициального таможенного оформления (карго) прекращается. Более того, если товары из Китая прибудут на территорию России без сложностей, товарополучатели соприкоснутся с неприятной ситуацией недостижимости будущей продажи, включительно и торговлей товаров на больших торговых площадках России. Вот почему мы рекомендуем участникам внешнеэкономической деятельности выбирать официальное таможенное оформление и избегать серое таможенное оформление.
Кроме того, в случае отгрузке товаров из Китая в ключевые города и рынки России и СНГ необходимо акцентировать внимание на вопросы логистики.
Специалисты по таможенному оформлению ASIANCATALOG помогают поддержку малому и среднему бизнесу России при ввозе китайских товаров, выступая в должности участника ВЭД осуществляют таможенное оформление китайских товаров c выдачей полного пакета коммерческих документов для последующей продажи на внутреннем рынке и предлагают услуги по таможенному оформлению китайских товаров по договору услуги таможенного оформления, при доставке товаров из Китая под подписанный внешнеэкономический контракт клиента.
Таможенное оформление товаров из Китая – это основной вид работ нашей компании, гарантирующий ответственность и незамедлительное проведение таможенного оформления с оплатой таможенных платежей. Мы предоставляем услуги таможенного оформления товаров из Китая юридическим лицам и физ. лицам, являющимися резидентами России и СНГ.
Таможенное оформление товаров из Китая – ASIANCATALOG
Китайские продавцы отлично понимают, что товары в Россию ввозятся несколькими методами, при условии достоверного таможенного оформления и скрытой схемой, еще известной как карго. В чем отличие между этими двумя формами импорта и также на какие подводные камни придется сконцентрировать внимание при перевозки грузов из Китая силами продавца.
Правомерное таможенное оформление грузов из Китая – это таможенное оформление которое проводиться соответственно с таможенным законодательством ЕАЭС и защищенной законом Российской Федерации.
Скрытое таможенное оформление (карго) имеет повышенные риски утраты товара, не подкреплено законом и не содержит законных документов.
Принимая во внимание то, что Российская Федерация уделяет характерное участие таможенному оформлению и таможенному законодательству ЕАЭС, жизненное пространство скрытого таможенного оформления (карго) снижается. Кроме того, в случае если товары из Китая прибудут на территорию России без сложностей, получатели встретятся с трудной ситуацией невозможности предстоящей продажи, в числе прочего и реализацией товаров на ключевых маркетплейсах России. Поэтому мы предлагаем участникам внешнеторговой деятельности избирать официальное таможенное оформление и не использовать серое таможенное оформление.
Кроме того, при экспедировании товаров из Китая в ведущие города и рынки России и СНГ надобно сосредоточить внимание на задачи логистики.
Специалисты по таможенному оформлению ASIANCATALOG содействуют поддержку малому и среднему бизнесу России при доставке товаров из Китая, выступая в качестве поставщика оказывают таможенное оформление китайских товаров c предоставлением полного пакета бухгалтерских документов для последующей продажи на внутреннем рынке и оказывают услуги по таможенному оформлению товаров из Китая на основе договора услуги таможенного оформления, при экспедировании товаров из Китая под подписанный внешнеторговый контракт клиента.
Таможенное оформление товаров из Китая – это коммерческий вид работ нашей компании, обеспечивающий безопасность и незамедлительное выполнение таможенного оформления с уплатой таможенных сборов и пошлин. Мы оказываем услуги таможенного оформления китайских товаров юридическим лицам и физическим лицам, являющимися резидентами России и СНГ.
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Come si usa la struttura ReduSlim? ¿Cómo se usa ReduSlim?
Therefore, Reduslim diet is a good programme to consider if you decide to shed the excess pounds.
The type of food recommended to strengthen your muscles, which in turn will help you lose weight fast,
is also an important part of this programme.
It is also important to consume plenty of water and avoid junk food.
Η διαδικασία για αυτό το προϊόν απώλειας βάρους δεν είναι δύσκολη, αποτελείται από « επιτεθεί με επιτυχία ανεπιθύμητη συσσώρευση λίπους ,
αύξηση των μεταβολικών διαδικασιών
σε κάψτε περισσότερες θερμίδες επίσης στην ειρήνη και την
πείνα που εμποδίζει , σας επιτρέπει να τρώτε πολύ λιγότερο κατά τη διάρκεια και μεταξύ των
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Η εστίαση των ενεργητικών στοιχείων σχεδιάστηκε για να αντέχει ακριβώς μια μέρα.
In den ersten Tagen werden Sie ab den frühen Morgenstunden eine Zunahme von Energie und Kraft spüren. Beseitigen Sie überschüssige Pfunde wiederentdecken Sie schön, attraktiv,
machen Sie Frieden mit der b-Skala. Durch seine aktiven Komponenten verbessert die Reduslim-Formel die
Absorption langsamer Kohlenhydrate und beschleunigt so den Prozess der Fettmetabolisierung und Umwandlung in Energie für den menschlichen Körper.
Wenn es um den Preis des Artikels geht, gehe ich auf unsere Empfehlung am Anfang des Inhalts zurück, d.
Les avis medical client sur mon état de santé actuel a été très positif, on m’a dit que j’avais définitivement ajouté beaucoup d’années
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de vivre plus longtemps. L’essentiel est que, sur la base des
résultats de ces tests d’ hémocode , une personne où acheter donne un inventaire des marchandises utiles et dangereuses,
c’est-à- dire des personnes que son corps acceptera bien et
des Reduslim personnes qu’il serait peut-être préférable de ne
pas manger. J’ai aussi eu beaucoup de chance avec mes pairs : ma
famille est très appréciée, nous vivons dans une petite ville et
personne ne m’a jamais critiquée pour mon apparence.
J’ai eu beaucoup de problèmes de poids, et ils ont pratiquement toujours était présent
avec moi. Nous voulons toujours avoir l’air
Il suffit de se comment utiliser servir d’un glucomètre comment utiliser Reduslim mode d’emploi pour mesurer
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il régule le métabolisme du corps en plus d’améliorer la circulation sanguine.
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It is a guide full of accurate and well-researched methods
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The main aim of REDUSLIM diet is to burn the fat by exercising in conjunction with
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Nikotiinipussit: Tupakoinnin Korvaaminen Modernilla Tavalla
Nikotiinipussit ovat tulleet markkinoille vaihtoehtona perinteiselle tupakoinnille.
Ne tarjoavat käyttäjilleen tapa saada nikotiinia
ilman tupakansavun haittoja. Mutta mitä nikotiinipussit todella ovat, ja ovatko ne todella
turvallisempi vaihtoehto tupakoinnille? Tässä artikkelissa tarkastelemme
tätä uutta tuotetta tarkemmin.
Mikä on Nikotiinipussi?
Nikotiinipussi on pieni, pehmeä pussi, joka sisältää
nikotiinia, kasvikuituja, vettä ja makuaineita. Pussit on suunniteltu niin, että ne voidaan asettaa huulen alle, jolloin ne vapauttavat
nikotiinia suun limakalvojen kautta. Ne tarjoavat samankaltaisen kokemuksen kuin tupakointi, mutta ilman savua tai hajuhaittoja.
Nikotiinipussien Edut
Monet ihmiset ovat kääntyneet nikotiinipussien puoleen, koska
ne tarjoavat useita etuja verrattuna perinteiseen tupakointiin. Ensinnäkin,
ne eivät sisällä tupakkaa tai muita haitallisia ainesosia, kuten tervaa ja
karsinogeeneja, jotka ovat yleisiä savukkeissa.
Toiseksi, nikotiinipussit eivät tuota savua. Tämä tarkoittaa,
että ne eivät aiheuta samoja riskejä passiiviselle tupakoinnille, joka voi olla haitallista sekä käyttäjälle että hänen ympärillään oleville
Kolmanneksi, nikotiinipussit tarjoavat mahdollisuuden hallita nikotiiniannosta.
Käyttäjä voi valita tuotteita, jotka sisältävät eri
määriä nikotiinia, jotta hän voi hallita paremmin nikotiinin saantiaan.
Nikotiinipussien Haitat
Vaikka nikotiinipussit ovat vähemmän haitallisia kuin tupakka, ne sisältävät silti
nikotiinia, joka on erittäin riippuvuutta aiheuttava aine.
Nikotiinipussit voivat siis ylläpitää tai jopa lisätä nikotiiniriippuvuutta.
Nikotiinipussien pitkäaikaisia terveysvaikutuksia ei myöskään tunneta
vielä täysin, koska ne ovat suhteellisen uusi
tuote. Lisätutkimuksia tarvitaan ymmärtämään täysin niiden mahdolliset terveysriskit.
Nikotiinipussit tarjoavat uuden, modernin tavan nikotiininkäyttöön, joka voi auttaa ihmisiä lopettamaan tai vähentämään tupakointia.
Ne ovat vähemmän haitallinen vaihtoehto kuin perinteiset savukkeet, mutta ne eivät ole riskittömiä.
Ennen kuin aloitat nikotiinipussien käytön, on tärkeää keskustella terveydenhuollon ammattilaisten kanssa.
He voivat auttaa sinua ymmärtämään nikotiinipussien potentiaaliset hyödyt ja riskit
sekä tarjota tukea tupakoinnin lopettamiseen tai nikotiininkäytön hallintaan.
Disposable vapes are becoming increasingly prevalent in the vaping industry,
attracting users with their convenience, portability,
and array of flavors. As single-use devices, disposable vapes are pre-filled with e-liquid and pre-charged, providing an uncomplicated and ready-to-use option for
those new to vaping or individuals looking for a straightforward alternative to traditional tobacco products.
The selling point of disposable vapes is their simplicity.
There’s no need to refill with e-liquid or charge
the battery; users can start vaping right out of the package.
Once the e-liquid is depleted or the battery dies, the entire device is disposed of.
This hassle-free usage model has appealed to a wide user
base, from novices to experienced vapers seeking a convenient option.
Disposable vapes come in a myriad of flavors, from fruity concoctions to
traditional tobacco and menthol. This broad flavor range contributes to their popularity,
catering to diverse user preferences. However,
the availability of these flavors varies based on regional regulations and guidelines.
Yet, the rise of disposable vape vapes has also
sparked controversy. From a sustainability perspective, their single-use nature contributes to
electronic waste, posing an environmental concern. Health implications associated
with vaping, such as potential lung harm and nicotine addiction, also extend to disposable vapes.
Additionally, the accessibility and range of flavors have raised concerns about the appeal of these devices to younger audiences,
leading to an ongoing debate about regulation.
In many regions, legislation around disposable vapes is tightening.
Regulatory measures include flavor bans, stricter age verification, and guidelines for responsible disposal
of used devices to mitigate environmental impact.
In summary, disposable vapes offer a straightforward, flavorful,
and increasingly popular choice in the world
of vaping. However, their use also brings associated
health, societal, and environmental challenges that need to be considered.
As regulatory measures continue to evolve, the landscape for disposable vapes is likely to undergo further changes.
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предметов, позволяя студентам формировать свой индивидуальный учебный план.
Подготовка к магистратуре
и карьере: Бакалавриат может служить как самостоятельной ступенью образования для начала карьеры, так и подготовить студентов к поступлению на магистратуру
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базовые знания и навыки, которые
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Use warm water and detergent to thoroughly clean the gasket around the refrigerator door. You can also check the texture of your soil in a jar filled with water. It helps break up clay so the soil won’t be too thick and poorly aerated. To do this, carbon fibers, which are like wide strips of loosely woven tape, had to be dipped into polymers, which have a thick honeylike consistency. Some of the more high-end stove tops are expensive, while simpler units are much cheaper. Reasonable Appliance Repair is a company with more than 30 years of stove repair and maintenance experience. Whether you’re a Pine Hollow homeowner needing dishwasher repair or a hotel owner off 288 desperate for a commercial refrigerator repair, the team at Mr. Appliance can take care of your appliance service needs. On average, appliance repair technicians charge $65 an hour. We do know the feeling of having a broken ice maker, and that is why we instituted a strategy to react immediately to pressing calls and send out our ice maker technicians straight away. We use this experience to professionally and quickly complete repairs on home appliances ranging from dryer repair service washing machine-repair, oven repair, ice maker repair, garbage disposal repair, ice machine repair, washer repair, refrigerator repair, Washer & Dryer Repair, icemaker repair to name a few.
Even if you think you are ready for all of the bills that need to be paid and the repairs that need to be done, there may be many things you aren’t taking into consideration. There are a few ways to determine which kind of soil you’re dealing with. For example, soil with a significant proportion of clay (at or above 25 percent) is made up of rock particles so tiny and close together they allow little air circulation. Some soils are already capable of meeting these purposes and can be used with little amendment. If land plants are submerged in water for too long — even if just their roots are submerged — they may rot or drown from lack of oxygen. You’ll probably have to water your plants during dry spells to keep them looking their best. Succulent plants and cacti store reservoirs of water in their swollen stem tissues so they can go for a month or more without rain. Plants react to more hours of light per day with fast growth, which is why you’ll find giant vegetable contests in northern areas such as Anchorage, Alaska. We’ve all heard of the midnight sun, but we may not be aware of how our geographic position affects day length.
At the equator, the length of the day stays the same through the year, but the closer you are to the North (or South) Pole, the more the light shifts with the season. Changes in day length affect plants‘ growth cycles. Without water, plants wilt and die. It helps, through its structure, to hold the plant upright, and it supplies food, water, and air to the roots. It is rare for nature to provide exactly the right amount of water, not too much nor too little, for garden plants. This means that in rainy climates, the gardener may have to add everything the plants need. Keeping servicing information of your own household appliances can also give you a tough idea of when they may begin wearing out. Most newer refrigerators have coils underneath, where they can be blocked by trash and clogged with dust. GE ovens have fault codes sometimes called function error codes or F codes as a part of a self-diagnosing system. Record-keeping. The car repairs you make become part of your car’s history.
Over 50 countries currently use or have used the AIM-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missile as a part of their military arsenal. No plant can live without some moisture, and certain plants use it in amazing ways. You can purchase one at a garden center or use a topless coffee can. An unbalanced drum can potentially cause leaks right away, but also, over time the an unbalanced drum will start to wear down as well as cause damage in other areas which can lead to further leaks. North American wildflowers such as Virginia bluebell tend to bloom early, during moist weather at a time when tree leaves are just emerging, and then go dormant, sitting out summer in dry shade. You can also observe your region’s normal rainfall patterns and choose plants that are appropriate. Garden soil usually needs some work before it’s ready to support plants. Called loam soils, they contain a mixture of different-size soil particles and organic matter.
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However, Benegas said in a May 14 email that the ascent was still on, with the two climbers targeting May 20 as the day to reach the summit. According to an account in Science magazine, both climbers have twins who remain at lower elevations – an identical twin for Benegas and a fraternal twin for Moniz – for comparison. Open and close open and close the sound of the commercial cooler door being opened and closed is endless.Each sound of the door closing means a sale is in progress, and that’s good for business.Of course,the commercial cooler must be able to withstand the customer who holds the door open while shopping (despite glass doors) or the customer who props open the walk-in cooler door while deciding what brand of beer to buy.The last thing you need is the cooler breaking down just when business is hot. You might remember the NASA twins study in which 10 different teams of researchers studied astronaut Scott Kelly, who spent a year aboard the International Space Station in 2015 and 2016, and compared him to his identical twin, fellow astronaut Mark Kelly, who had remained behind on Earth.
Identical twins share 100 percent of the same genes, while fraternal twins share 50 percent, according to the Michigan State University Twin Registry. As this 2016 Smithsonian article details, Victorian-era scientist Francis Galton, a half-cousin of Charles Darwin, was one of the first researchers to utilize comparisons between twins for studying which traits were inherited versus which were responses to the environment. Parson is one of the leaders in automotive and windshield repair adhesives. No more sitting in the back seat of the carpool — you could be the one behind the wheel. Xigent can have your range back up and running at peak efficiency. You should also ask to see any certificates and qualifications that the team have earned over the years. It’s been a long day, but it’s not over yet. Dreaming is important. In sleep experiments where a person is woken up every time they enter REM sleep, the person becomes increasingly impatient and uncomfortable over time. When a lowlander ventures into the same high places, his or her body will try to cope by making more red blood cells – a change that thickens the blood, making a person more vulnerable to blood clots and strokes.
No more riding your bike in bad weather. That tiny creature has the distinction of having the most extreme altitude range of any North American mammal, from below sea level in Death Valley to mountainsides more than 14,000 feet (4,300 meters) up. All technicians provide service for Washer Repair , Dryer Repair , Dishwasher Repair , Oven Repair , Stove Repair , Freezer Repair , Range Repair , Cooktop Repair , Refrigerator Repair , Wine Cooler Repair , Ice Machine Repair , Ice Maker Repair , Garbage Disposal Repair , Walk in Freezer Repair , Commercial Appliance Repair , Residential Appliance Repair , Pizza Oven Repair , Air Conditioner Repair , Central Air Repair , etc. If you have an emergency we offer same day appliance repair service for no additional cost as long as you are located within Shelby. Then, because of any number of scenarios, your appliance suddenly stops and results in a frantic search for the owner’s manual that hopefully has everything you need to know about washing machine repair.
In some cases, the power switch or control module of the washing machine is not working due to loosing of connection with a cable connection with high voltage. And perhaps there is a purpose to the craziness: Our minds may be working on deep-seated problems through these circuitous and less threatening metaphorical dreams. There are only some things more annoying than walking into your residence or business and realizing that your freezer has stopped functioning. No more taking the bus or train. You still have to pick up dinner and the dry cleaning before you can catch the bus. Nearly all appliance repair agencies stock their service vehicles with the most frequently desired replacing elements, hence they must have the instruments and materials always ready to resolve several difficulties. Same-day, reliable appliance repairs – We understand how important it is to have a fully functional wine cooler, so we ensure fast and reliable repairs. There’s no need to take the dishwasher apart and no need for any specialist equipment or experience to complete these repairs. Why Choose Edinburgh Appliance Repairs for your Wine Cooler Appliance Repair in Your Local Area? Appliance Medic offers expert ice maker repair services for all brands and models.
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For added convenience, Local Solutions offers free estimates over the phone or via email, ensuring that customers can get a sense of the scope and cost of their services before committing. The American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists reports that, on average, 80 percent of the energy used by a washing machine goes toward heating the water, so it makes sense that high-efficiency models use less water. The same goes for the ability to acquire parts, especially by refrigerator type and brand. Many newer models of high-efficiency washers also utilize cutting-edge „smart“ technology, enabling the machines to detect the size of a load and the type of fabric, so they can run at optimal temperature and water levels. Because they use less water, high-efficiency washers require special laundry detergent that is specially formulated to produce fewer suds than normal detergent — leaving no residue on clothes. But repeated spikes can fry the connections on delicate circuit boards, leaving you with a non-functional device and a repair bill. Sometimes, the KitchenAid oven error codes will signify a momentary issue, which can be dealt with by restarting the power to the oven. If you are based in Hialeah, FL and looking a professional appliance service, look no further than Ven Power Electric LLC.
Frayed and worn-looking jeans are still fashionable, but if you have a high-efficiency machine, you’ll have to find another way to give your clothes that punk-rock look. Look for burn marks on the wires and if you notice any, you’ll want to call a refrigerator repair company (unless you have experience repairing circuit boards). Choosing an uninsured company makes the process complex and costly. Once activated, the protector regulates the flow of current to every electrical device throughout your house, including things like water heaters and air conditioning units. Components inside these electronics demand a specific, steady voltage to run properly, so drastic changes in the flow of electricity can cause them to malfunction and potentially become damaged. Almost anything plugged into the power grid can be affected by a voltage spike, but today’s modern electronics are particularly sensitive. In the United States, most electronics are made to take in 120 volts of alternating current, although their power supplies will usually contain a converter to step the current down to a lower voltage of DC output.
If an appliance or piece of electronics in your home is hit with a power surge, you may not notice any problems right away. Home insurance may cover some costs associated with power surge damage, but preventing the cause will always result in less downtime. Read on to learn about how washing machines are constructed and some of the costs and benefits of purchasing a high-efficiency washer. Instead of using an agitator, high-efficiency machines spin and rotate the load in both clockwise and counterclockwise motions and at high and low speeds, so that garments rub against each other. According to the Soap and Detergent Association, about 15 percent of American households had made the switch to energy-efficient washers by 2005. Washing machines score points by using less water and by getting the clothes dryer in the spin cycle, so that they don’t need to spend as much time in the dryer. The Chicago Sun-Times reports that Kenmore is currently developing diagnostic technology for the company’s high-efficiency washers that will enable customers to hold a cell phone up to the machine so it can connect with a technician’s phone, telling the repairman what’s wrong.
No matter what brand of freezer you have like Bosch, Dacor, Frigidaire, GE, Kenmore, Kitchenaid, LG, Maytag, Miele, Samsung, Sears, Sub Zero, Thermador, Viking, and Whirlpool, our freezer repair service in Chicago is geared towards letting you find good deals. The overall cost to replace dishwasher parts depends on the dishwasher brand, age of the dishwasher, whether the machine is still under warranty, the type of repair or part that’s needed, and the service technician’s level of experience. Power outputs along the grid can vary anywhere from 110 to 169 volts of alternating current and still be considered within the standard. When high-efficiency washers began hitting the market in the mid-1990s, they were all front-loading, meaning that they operate on a horizontal axis, much like a standard drying machine. Front-loading washers not only save space inside the machine; they can also have a dryer stacked on top of them, saving a few feet of floor space. 3 Spill Proof. 1 Quick Space Shelf. Quick Service: We understand the importance of a functional wine cooler, and aim to provide prompt repair services. And while we always aim to fix things right the first time, our Neighborly Done Right Promise™ has your back if an issue resurfaces.
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1. I believe the most egregious type of spam, is what I’ll call “D2D” – developer-to-developer spam. This is the type of spam where someone (whether an individual or an organization) feels compelled to advertise a “new app” in an obvious attempt to gain traffic. But of course, since the yield on unsolicited mail is abysmal, many more people need be inconvenienced in the process. If such an app was worth its salt (even free), I believe it is a violation of many Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct (the ACM is just the first one I thought of). 1.6 Respect Privacy. Computing professionals should only use personal information for legitimate ends and without violating the rights of individuals and groups. It really smells bad when a “software professional” who aspires to develop and promote some “new app” does so by harassing the citizens of a private university, especially while encouraging students (or professors?) to disengage from class.
What Is Email Bombing? Why Is This Happening to You? If you suddenly start receiving an endless stream of junk email, perhaps asking for confirmation of a subscription, you’re the victim of email bombing. The perpetrator is probably trying to hide their real goal, so here’s what to do. What Is Email Bombing? An email bombing is an attack on your inbox that involves sending massive amounts of messages to your address. Sometimes these messages are complete gibberish, but more often they’ll be confirmation emails for newsletters and subscriptions. In the latter case, the attacker uses a script to search the internet for forums and newsletters and then signs up for an account with your email address. Each will send you a confirmation email asking to confirm your address. This process repeats across as many unprotected sites as the script can find. The term „email bombing“ can also refer to flooding an email server with too many emails in an attempt to overwhelm the email server and bring it down, but that’s not the goal here—it would be challenging to bring down modern email accounts that use Google or Microsoft’s email servers, anyway.
In this example of an effective follow up email template, Hubspot reminds the recipient of an earlier meeting before suggesting a new meeting to further discuss the opportunity. Successful sales teams will make multiple follow ups when nurturing their leads. It’s important to have a cold email template for each phase of the sales process, including a final follow-up attempt in your cold outreach email. Without a good subject line, there’s a decent chance that the subject line will be the only part of the cold email your prospects will read… Therefore, a captivating subject line is vital when creating cold email templates.Unsure how to write effective subject lines for your cold email templates? Let’s talk about (TOPIC)! Free to talk at (DATE/TIME)? Did you find a cold email example that helps you write your best cold email template? Perhaps you’ve decided to combine elements from the above cold email examples with your own unique and creative subject line to follow up on your cold calls, phone calls and other sales strategies to boost response rates.Remember, your prospects are busy people, so it’s important for your cold email templates to be short and direct, only including the necessary details to create an awesome post. How to Start an Email List12 Email List Management Tips12 Cold Email TipsClosely-Guarded Secrets & Strategies! Samantha Lile is a staff writer for Small Business Trends as well as freelance writer and journalist who contributes to a variety of web publications from her home office in the heart of the Ozarks. Her work can be viewed at Samantha Lile. Small Business Trends is an award-winning online publication for small business owners, entrepreneurs and the people who interact with them. Copyright 2003 – 2023, Small Business Trends LLC.
As described on its website, Bridgy “pulls comments, likes, and reshares on social networks back to your Web site. You can also use it to post to social networks – or comment, like, reshare, or even RSVP – from your own web site” (Bridgy 2020). Like many IndieWeb tools, Bridgy is provided for free and is funded out of pocket by its creator. Bridgy works by translating between popular platform APIs and IndieWeb sites that are built with standards like Webmention, Microformats 2 (MF2), and conventional Web standards including HTTP, URLs, and HTML. When syndicating a post from one’s website to a social network using Bridgy, the post should be marked up using MF2 to help Bridgy identify the post’s content, type, and if it is a reply to someone else. And when a response is backfed from a social network to a users’ personal website, it is sent via Webmention.
It identifies opportunities to reduce the causes and impacts of flooding and gathers information on the land that is likely to be needed for flood risk management infrastructure. Local Planning Authorities should take an integrated approach to flood risk management when preparing plans, as per National Planning Policy Framework paragraph 161(c). This is a collaborative, catchment-based approach delivering coordinated management of water storage, supply, demand, wastewater, flood risk, quality of water and the wider environment. It can help to identify the most effective and efficient approaches to addressing too much or too little water, enabling sustainable and climate resilient development in a way which reduces flood risk whilst delivering multiple wider benefits. For guidance on how to prepare a strategic flood risk assessment, refer to How to prepare a strategic flood risk assessment. Who needs to be consulted when preparing plan policies? Advice should be sought from the early stages of evidence base collation through to policy preparation, as part of an integrated approach to flood risk management.
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Our certified technicians repair Amana Top Load Dryers, Front Load Dryers, Stackable Dryers, and Portable Clothes Dryers. Your front loader washer’s lid switch strike may be faulty. Unlike the dryer, which has just two front adjustable legs, most washing machines have four adjustable legs. Cutting off during a cycle or turning off unprompted are two other signs that there is something wrong. These authorizations tell you two things: (1) we are experts on servicing that brand, and (2) the manufacturer knows this and trusts us with their dishwashers. We are the leading authorized appliances repair in Washington. Less common kitchen appliances are trash compactors and wine coolers. What you think are minor squeaks are actually internal stripped or corroded mechanisms that need replacing. Homeowners who are experienced with DIY projects may consider tackling some straightforward refrigerator repairs on their own, such as replacing a rubber door gasket, cleaning coils, unclogging a drain line, or cleaning the drip pan. Appliance repair is much cheaper than replacing a repairable appliance. Use less detergent. Too much detergent can redeposit lint and other debris back on the clothing, rather than pulling it out. To have the manufacturer of your dishwasher cover any repairs made while the appliance is under warranty, many require that you use a service company that they have authorized.
Shop talk for appliance techs: Bidness Skool, Tool Box, War Stories, whatever. If the appliance repair company in Beaumont meets all of these expectations then you should move forward and ask for them to diagnose your appliance. Move large items to the other side of equally large items. Clicking noises often occur at the start of a cycle when the washer lid is locking into place or when metal items on clothing like buttons or zippers bump against the machine during a cycle. Wash pet-related items such as blankets, cat and dog beds, and chew toys separately from the rest of the clothing. Rest assured that we conduct a number of thorough examinations to make sure that your device is in the very best condition before we switch it over to you. For the best Viking repair service in Los Angeles, know that AES services Viking appliances ranging from cooking, cleaning, preparation and storage appliances. Finally, discover who is the best appliance repair contractor near you. It may be too difficult to fix your washing machine and only an appliance repair professional can diagnose the problem, obtain, and install the right parts.
Your report may also show duplicate accounts with spelling variations. This is also true if your car/appliance has needed frequent repairs over the past year; you may feel you’d welcome the reliability of a new car/appliance. With over 50 years experience overhauling and repairing automatic gearboxes, we are an experienced Range Rover gearbox repairer in Ware. Independent testing has shown that pads that are 3 inches thick do an excellent job of deadening the shaking and vibration. The classic and most easily fixable cause of a shaking clothes washer is an imbalanced load. Other issues that can cause a noisy dryer includes worn out bearings, support rollers, and shaft, dryer belt, idler pulley, felt drum seal, blower wheel and housing, baffle, or the motor. Bail the water out with a kitchen measuring cup and then unplug the machine. Check the machine’s level with a bubble level and bring the machine back to level by adjusting the legs. Locate the correct circuit breaker, flip it in the „OFF“ direction, and then back to the „ON“ position. If the issue is more complex and related to the refrigerant mechanism, then an HVAC technician may be the better candidate.
At BMS, we also strive to make your life more convenient by offering multiple home services from a single reliable company, including HVAC (home heating and cooling), plumbing and sewer, and home remodeling services. Any actions you take could potentially cause more stress to the machine and damage more parts. Be sure that you also look out for leaks because a leak could cause water damage and higher water bills. An overly full washer does not have enough space for the clean rinse water to pull out the detergent and debris. The washing machine motor drive belt or pulley may be worn out. If the machine is making normal sounds of agitation or even a grinding noise, yet the agitator is not moving, the cogs may be worn down or broken and in need of replacement. If the washing machine is making a squeaking sound, the tub bearings may need lubrication (grease). When your washing machine is running, particularly during the spin cycle, it may violently shake or vibrate, often so much that the machine walks. Unfortunately, it tends to become much noisier during its lifespan- this is the feature of this type. You may even end up buying tools you do not know how to use effectively, or worse, hurt yourself in the process.
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It’s important to note, though, that a personalized greeting in and of itself does not guarantee that a message is legitimate. Urgent or threatening language-Many phishy messages contain urgent or threatening language. Phishers often try to manipulate people’s emotions. Don’t fall for that trick. Take the time to examine unsolicited messages carefully. Awkward grammar or spelling errors-Awkward grammar or spelling errors may be signs of phishy messages. However, don’t assume that polished, professional-looking messages are necessarily legitimate. Tricky links-Always be suspicious of links in unsolicited messages. The web address displayed in the message can be easily faked. Never send personal or sensitive information in an unsecured (unencrypted) email. Never make a purchase from an unsolicited email. Not only can an email user fall prey to a potentially fraudulent sales scheme, but their email address may be added to email lists sold within spamming community, further compounding the number of spam emails the user receives. Spam is defined as unwanted, commercial email.
For example, the time in which flood risk or coastal change is anticipated to affect it, where a development is controlled by a time-limited planning condition. The lifetime of a non-residential development depends on the characteristics of that development but a period of at least 75 years is likely to form a starting point for assessment. Where development has an anticipated lifetime significantly beyond 100 years such as some major infrastructure projects, or where it would create significant land-use change such as a new settlement or substantial urban extension, it may be appropriate to consider a longer period for the lifetime of development when assessing the potential impacts of climate change on flood risk or coastal change and considering the future prospects for flood and coastal erosion risk management infrastructure. It may also be a consideration when identifying existing development that may not be sustainable in the long term, and seeking opportunities for relocation.
Consumers having to replace hundreds of thousands of cars is about the last thing this market needed. But also: what happens to the flooded vehicles? Because water, whether salt or fresh, is so damaging to vehicles, many are written off as total losses, which means their owner (assuming they have comprehensive coverage on the vehicle) gets a check and is on their own to find a new car. But a portion of those flood damaged vehicles will be repaired and put back into service. That’s where car shoppers need to pay attention. “CarFax estimates there are currently about 400,000 vehicles on the road with prior flood damage,” said Emilie Voss, public relations director for CarFax. Be a smarter, better informed investor. Profit and prosper with the best of expert advice on investing, taxes, retirement, personal finance and more – straight to your e-mail. Profit and prosper with the best of expert advice – straight to your e-mail.
Forward an email to someone back at the office to handle. You’ll avoid becoming the bottleneck while you’re gone. With this technique, the emails flow in, but many are also flowing out. You’ll return excited about moving forward instead of dreading an ocean of requests. Putting up an email auto-responder is an effective way to set expectations with colleagues and clients on when you will be returning from vacation. But just because you told them when you will be back doesn’t guarantee they will stop sending you emails while you are out. Including these details in your out-of-office email will not only set you up to receive fewer emails, but it will also help out your colleagues and clients while you’re unavailable. Include the date range you’ll be out on vacation. Don’t let them guess. People generally respect your time off if they know the dates. Introduce your backup contact and how to reach them.
We recommended Alchemy Worx Audience Management methodology to them and began by testing against ALL their segments including their unengaged file (the biggest). We then calculated the rate and scale of movement between segments. After 5 months we were able to increase their engaged audience by nearly 70%! Reactivating nearly 250,000 customers with little or no impact on inbox delivery rates at all. What we found (as you will) is the Subject Lines that make unengaged people re-engage for the first time are often quite different from the Subject Lines that you use on a regular basis. Do not assume that a Subject Line that engages an active customer will also work on your inactives. The big problem for email marketers is that in terms of lift, Subject Line testing for deliverability gives you a much smaller return on an email-by-email basis than you would get testing for something else. So often, subject line testing with the goal of deliverability behind it doesn’t get much traction in the organization.
A follow-up email might be asking whether the recipient has received the email and whether they’re interested. If the recipient doesn’t respond to that second email, you might want to send one saying that you won’t contact them again. Can you create an auto-reply in Gmail? Yes, you can create an auto-reply in Gmail. You can either do it using Gmail’s standard features or use an app like Right Inbox to make it faster. What are the advantages of using auto-reply in Gmail? Auto-reply has several advantages. You can use it for going on vacation, use it to respond quickly to quotes and proposals with clients or use it to confirm purchase transactions to a customer list. Can I create auto-replies on Gmail for my mobile device? If you’re using the Gmail mobile app, you can create auto-replies as well. You’ll need to download Gmail for either your iPhone or Android first. How long do auto-reply emails last? You can set the exact date and time that your auto-reply email will go into effect. Therefore, if you’re only using it for a vacation, for instance, it can have an expiration date.
The Web became more complex as it was adapted for a larger variety of uses. The ability to display images was implemented in the Mosaic Web browser and then became a standard in HTML 2.0 (Raggett et al. 1998). In 1995 JavaScript was created, which allows program code to be run within websites. Cascading Style Sheets allowed for more complex visual layouts of webpages. Server-side programming allowed for webpages generated on the fly using content from a back-end database. And AJAX brought dynamism to the front-end of webpages by allowing them to fluidly load new content in real-time. In addition to providing a richer user experience, Web design moved toward increased standardization. HTML became an open standard, published through the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) beginning in 1993 (Berners-Lee and D. W. Connolly 1995) and then through the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) from January 1997 onward (Raggett 1997). One of the goals of standardizing HTML and related Web protocols was to ensure Web pages looked and behaved the same on different browsers–a considerable challenge amidst the increasingly complex multimedia capabilities of the Web.
A Challenge Collapsar (CC) attack is an attack where standard HTTP requests are sent to a targeted web server frequently. The Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) in the requests require complicated time-consuming algorithms or database operations which may exhaust the resources of the targeted web server. In 2004, a Chinese hacker nicknamed KiKi invented a hacking tool to send these kinds of requests to attack a NSFOCUS firewall named Collapsar, and thus the hacking tool was known as Challenge Collapsar, or CC for short. Consequently, this type of attack got the name CC attack. A smurf attack relies on misconfigured network devices that allow packets to be sent to all computer hosts on a particular network via the broadcast address of the network, rather than a specific machine. The attacker will send large numbers of IP packets with the source address faked to appear to be the address of the victim. Most devices on a network will, by default, respond to this by sending a reply to the source IP address.
It is real quaint that humanitarian institutions that are meant for giving others are under the watchful eye of charity watchdogs. The whole idea of benevolence is getting a bit problematical! The Better Business Bureau in the USA, despite its name is also charity directory that lists both business and non-profit organisations. The fact is that there are enough guides that provide information about 100 top ranking charities but these ratings does not, in reality, convey the correct picture. The ratings of a charity has actually nothing much to do with what actually makes it superior to the rest. There are unique features that place a charity or non-charity institution above the rest. A YouGov poll of 2005 stated that about 56 percent of the British population did not have a considerable amount of belief even in well known global charities like Oxfam and Save the Children. Even among the charities that had a good charity rating, only about 15 percent enjoyed the public’s belief in them.
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Typical of appeals made in support of the IndieWeb, Gillmor asserts that IndieWeb can recapture a capacity for self-expression that was built into early Web. In the same article, IndieWeb co-founder Aaron Parecki is quoted describing the early Web, “The original vision was everyone has their own space and made things.” Thus, even though IndieWeb’s principles do not include an explicit call for self-expression, this is because it is such a core commitment that it is taken for granted as a virtue of owning a personal website. Commitments to ownership, longevity, and self-expression, as articulated in IndieWeb’s principles, present outcomes to be achieved through one’s IndieWeb site. A large proportion of IndieWeb sites are blogs of some description, often with a large variety of post types including short updates similar to Twitter, photos and videos, long articles, self-tracking (e.g. recording what one eats, reads, watches, or does), location check-ins, replies, likes, and others. Visual styles vary substantially, some sites are sparse and minimalist, others are bright, colourful, and deliberately playful.
Since I am concerned with how values are employed in the construction of a technical infrastructure, I begin with an account of what values are declared to be important by IndieWeb’s community. “On my blog I have control & agency. “You aren’t happy with the community or perceived community that comes baked in with the silo-based tools you use to publish. These terms provide sensitizing concepts to guide further empirical investigation. A sensitizing concept lacks such specification of attributes or bench marks and consequently it does not enable the user to move directly to the instance and its relevant content. Instead, it gives the user a general sense of reference and guidance in approaching empirical instances. Whereas definitive concepts provide prescriptions of what to see, sensitizing concepts merely suggest directions along which to look. These overarching goals provide a suitable entry-point to understand the kind of values that motivate IndieWeb contributors. Before proceeding to a more specific description of IndieWeb’s motivations, I discuss how autonomy and self-empowerment have been described in scholarship about communities similar to IndieWeb.
People love GIFs and share millions of them every single day! These short animations replace thousands of words when messaging and open up new possibilities for business. Being brief and lively, GIFs attract users and direct their attention. Read on to figure out the benefits of using GIFs in emails, online and offline tools that can help you create them, as well as how to embed a GIF in an email with SendPulse. Technically, a GIF is an image format, but – unlike a JPG or PNG – it contains several images that are displayed one after another to create the illusion of motion. This illusion makes GIFs an excellent alternative to videos, which can be tricky to use in email campaigns. GIFs draw attention. Compared to static images and text, GIFs attract more attention and make your message easier to understand. For instance, to encourage people to cut back on using plastic, one could send them an email with convincing text about the dangers of plastic.
For national environmental goals to have substantive meaning, there must be both review requirements as embodied by NEPA as well as numerous avenues for legal remedy when federal agencies fail to follow the law. The city of Rochester, New York, is located along the shores of Lake Ontario. Like many prosperous cities in the first few decades of the 20th century, Rochester experienced a rapid increase in vehicle ownership and local roadway congestion.39 In response, the New York State Department of Transportation, or NYSDOT, working closely with city officials, began planning a series of projects to increase roadway capacity and improve traffic flow. At the time, state engineers expected that the region’s economy and population would continue to grow for decades to come, requiring an expansive facility able to accommodate steadily rising travel demand.41 Construction of the Inner Loop involved the condemnation of significant amounts of property around the city’s core.
Thanks. A lot of advice.
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Beck U. (1992). Risk society: towards a new modernity. London; Newbury Park, California: Sage Publications. Begg C. (2018). Power, responsibility and justice: a review of local stakeholder participation in European flood risk management. Begg C., Callsen I., Kuhlicke C., Kelman I. (2017a). The role of local stakeholder participation in flood defence decisions in the UK and Germany. Begg C., Ueberham M., Masson T., Kuhlicke C. (2017b). Interactions between citizen responsibilization, flood experience and household resilience: insights from the 2013 flood in Germany. Int. J. Water Resour. Begg C., Walker G., Kuhlicke C. (2015). Localism and flood risk management in England: the creation of new inequalities? Environ. Benson D., Lorenzoni I., Cook H. (2016). Evaluating social learning in England flood risk management: An ‘individual-community interaction’ perspective. Benzie M. (2014). Social justice and adaptation in the UK. Berrang-Ford L., Siders A. R., Lesnikowski A., Fischer A. P., Callaghan M. W., Haddaway N. R., et al.
Email is the heart of any business communication today. Not only enterprise companies but also our personal life’s activities are mostly depended on email. So, every person should have an email account today. There are many online companies (such as Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail) who are providing free email services for any online users. Among these online companies, Gmail is the most popular free email service by Google with 15 GB free storage facility. Gmail has huge features to maintain your personal account securely and smoothly. So, it is time to have a gmail account to you. If you are interested to open a mail account with Gmail, keep reading this article. In this article, I will show you the proper steps to create a Gmail account successfully from very beginning. If you try to open a gmail account for the first time, it will be difficult for you sometimes to create the account successfully.
A milder version of this theory is simply that we’re overrun . Most of us take that for granted at this point. But I think the sheer volume and scale of what’s coming will be meaningfully different. And I think we’re unprepared. Or at least, I am. Our new challenge as little snowflake humans will be to prove we aren’t language models. It’s the reverse . After the forest expands, we will become deeply sceptical of one another’s realness. Every time you find a new favourite blog or Twitter account or Tiktok personality online, you’ll have to ask: Is this really a whole human with a rich and complex life like mine? Is there a being on the other end of this web interface I can form a relationship with? Before you continue, pause and consider: How would you prove you’re not a language model generating predictive text? What special human tricks can you do that a language model can’t? As language models become increasingly capable and impressive, we should remember they are, at their core, linguistic .
With Sangfor NGAF deployed, 99% of malware is prevented from breaching the network. Sangfor Endpoint Secure is an endpoint detection and response (EDR) solution that goes beyond traditional endpoint security software like antivirus. Endpoint Secure stands ready to clean up malicious files that managed to sneak past the firewall and download onto the endpoint. As with NGAF, Endpoint Secure is integrated with Engine Zero and performs AI-powered malware analysis on files loaded onto endpoints. However, Endpoint Secure has the added ability to detect malicious files based on their behavior and not solely on features. For example, malicious files downloaded from phishing links or attachments usually connect to the internet to download additional files, run automated commands, or create new files on the endpoint. These malware-like behaviors can be detected by the intelligent detection of Engine Zero. The perpetrating files will be blocked from running and quarantined. Endpoint Secure is not only able to put a stop to malicious files but also correlates with NGAF to kill the chain of infection in one
Based on the procedure described in Section 3.3.2, a topic model was generated, which classified chat conversations into 16 topics. The top-30 most relevant terms for each topic, as classified by pyLDAVis with a λ value of 0.6, are presented in Appendix H. While these terms provide a beginning for understanding the contents of each topic, several other metrics were used to interpret the results of the topic model. These include: (1) the distribution of topic weight scores across documents classified with each topic, (2) the distribution of meaningful key terms across each topic, and (3) qualitative readings of representative and randomly selected documents. For each document, the LDA model calculates a topic probability distribution. The topic with the highest probability in a given document was identified as that document’s dominant topic. Figure 5.3 presents a violin chart showing the distribution of topic weights per document for each dominant topic.
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Assessment of the Effectiveness of Flood Adaptation Strategies for HCMC. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. 27. Storch, H.; Downes, N.K. A Scenario-Based Approach to Assess Ho Chi Minh City’s Urban Development Strategies against the Impact of Climate Change. 28. Rotzoll, K.; Fletcher, C.H. Assessment of Groundwater Inundation as a Consequence of Sea-Level Rise. 29. Chang, H.; Pallathadka, A.; Sauer, J.; Grimm, N.B.; Zimmerman, R.; Cheng, C.; Iwaniec, D.M.; Kim, Y.; Lloyd, R.; McPhearson, T.; et al. Assessment of Urban Flood Vulnerability Using the Social-Ecological-Technological Systems Framework in Six US Cities. 30. Chen, W.; Wang, X.; Deng, S.; Liu, C.; Xie, H.; Zhu, Y. Integrated Urban Flood Vulnerability Assessment Using Local Spatial Dependence-Based Probabilistic Approach. 31. Peng, J.; Zhang, J. Urban Flooding Risk Assessment Based on GIS- Game Theory Combination Weight: A Case Study of Zhengzhou City. Int. J. Disaster Risk Reduct. 32. Duan, Y.; Xiong, J.; Cheng, W.; Wang, N.; He, W.; He, Y.; Liu, J.; Yang, G.; Wang, J.; Yang, J. Assessment and Spatiotemporal Analysis of Global Flood Vulnerability in 2005-2020. Int.
Simulation by Delft3D model yielded floodplain inundation depths at different return periods, as presented in Fig. 8 and Table 7. It was found that overall with the increase in return period the inundated area increases substantially for the flood class of “Low (0-2 m)” and “Medium (2-4 m)”. However, exception is 20-year return period of flood, where inundated area for the flood class of “Low (0-2 m)” decreased as compared to the flood class of “Low” at 10-year return period. Noticeably, at 2.33-year flood event, only the north side of the study area was inundated, but with greater return period of flood the western and the southern sides of the study area were inundated gradually. 1 km2). The percentage area of inundation increased from 28.77 to 80.28% corresponding to 2.33-year return period to 100-year return period, respectively, for flood class low. Whereas for medium and high class floods, the area of inundation increased from 0.31 to 10.23% and 0 to 0.28% for return period 2.33 years to 100 years, respectively.
NATO Science Series (eds Vasiliev, O., van Gelder, P., Plate, E. & Bolgov, M.) Vol. Sivapalan, M., Blöschl, G., Merz, R. & Gutknecht, D. Linking flood frequency to long-term water balance: Incorporating effects of seasonality. Blöschl, G., Nester, T., Komma, J., Parajka, J. & Perdigão, R. A. P. The June 2013 flood in the upper Danube basin, and comparisons with the 2002, 1954 and 1899 floods. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Guse, B. et al. The role of flood wave superposition in the severity of large floods. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Mirza, M. M. Q. Global warming and changes in the probability of occurrence of floods in Bangladesh and implications. O’Connell, E., Ewen, J., O’Donnell, G. & Quinn, P. Is there a link between agricultural land-use management and flooding? Hydrol. Rogger, M. et al. Land use change impacts on floods at the catchment scale: challenges and opportunities for future research. Bronstert, A. et al.
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What Are the Effects of Climate Change? A rapidly warming planet poses an existential threat to all life on earth. Just how bad it gets depends on how quickly we act. Climate change is our planet’s greatest existential threat. If we don’t limit greenhouse gas emissions from the burning of fossil fuels, the consequences of rising global temperatures include massive crop and fishery collapse, the disappearance of hundreds of thousands of species, and entire communities becoming uninhabitable. While these outcomes may still be avoidable, climate change is already causing suffering and death. From raging wildfires and supercharged storms, its compounding effects can be felt today, outside our own windows. Understanding these impacts can help us prepare for what’s here, what’s avoidable, and what’s yet to come, and to better prepare and protect all communities. Even though everyone is or will be affected by climate change, those living in the world’s poorest countries-which have contributed least to the problem-are the most climate-vulnerable.
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How do I retrieve spam emails? Log in to your Gmail account and check the spam folder. As you click on the spam folder, you will view many emails. Check for spam emails that you want to move out of the folder. You can simply open the email or select the box that is just to the right of the message. Now, you can move the email to your inbox or any desired folder of your choice. How do I identify spam emails? One of the simple methods to identify spam emails is by installing anti-spam software. This software identifies those emails and tags them as spam. It also protects from dangerous malware and phishing attacks. Never open any email that you cannot recognize or anything that you receive from an unknown recipient. If the address of the sender has a group of numbers or a domain that you cannot identify, then it is a spam email.
The site is incredibly popular, even though it’s not even formally out of the testing phase yet. A few small business owners credit Ravelry with helping them to get their businesses off the ground. Maggie Simser of Dyed in the Wool Handmade, who sells hand-dyed yarn and spinning fiber, says Ravelry’s inexpensive advertising opportunities helped establish her online shop. Imeem is a free social network built around music. Users interact to post and discover new artists, share playlists and watch videos. By building personalized playlists (something imeem calls „social mixtapes“), users can share their favorite music and artists with the community. Other members are welcome to browse and comment on everyone else’s playlists. Imeem offers streaming songs from just about every major and indie label, so it’s easy to locate your favorite songs. Even though the music on imeem is free streaming, users can purchase from iTunes or download ringtones if they find something they really like. Once a user locates a song, he or she can rate it according to how much he or she likes or dislikes it.
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Your email inbox is like a virtual home – after all, that’s where all your first official points of contacts go when you sign up for a new service, apply for jobs, buy stuff online, etc. And just like your physical home, letting your inbox get cluttered can feel chaotic, with most of that mess stemming from marketing or newsletter emails. These unwanted types of emails can end up in your inbox in all sorts of ways. For example, when you buy something online, you may have inadvertently given the company permission to send you more promotional materials, or a company may have sold your email as part of a list, paving ways for you to become spammed by marketers. So here are a few ways to make your inbox more peaceful. Some marketing emails can be useful (who doesn’t love a discount code?) but if you’re tired of getting emails with no material use, you can elect to unsubscribe on a case-by-case basis.
Members with names like „The Hoff Dog“ and „Hoff the Wall“ come together to share information about Mr. Hasselhoff, post tribute videos and plan get-togethers. The site also features a feed of Hasselhoff’s tweets, so users are always privy to what their idol is up to. Ravelry is a free community site for knitters, crocheters, designers, spinners and dyers — pretty much anyone who works with yarn and patterns. The site aims to help users „organize, share and discover“ within the yarn artisan community. The founders created Ravelry to fill a niche they themselves were looking for — a centralized, easy place to find and share information about patterns, yarn and the like. They built their own community, inviting users to join and share their knowledge about knitting, crocheting and more. As of this writing, Ravelry is invitation-only and ad-supported. Potential users must apply for an invite and usually receive one within a few days.
They conclude that success in building these systems “is not simply a matter of making some technical decisions” (2012, p. 5) and recommend that designers pay particular attention to how their systems fit within larger regulatory and economic structures, maintain interoperability with related technical systems, and pay attention to the conceptual fidelity of their projects to ensure that their designs address a real need. These examples highlight that any serious consideration of decentralized Web projects as a means to redistribute power must account for relationships between values, design decisions, and broader social and technical forces. This brief account of the early Web, Web 2.0, and emerging decentralized alternatives has highlighted ways in which building for the Web has changed. Where the early Web was characterized by a strong commitment to decentralization, the rise of platforms has created new centres of power. A variety of projects have emerged that are attempting to reshape the Internet, and there is a gap in scholarship that investigates what is actually involved in building such systems, and how this relates to substantive values of their creators.
That is, they would need to show that Siraj, a Muslim immigrant in the wake of Sept. 11, was predisposed to violence. Eldawoody took the stand first. In late 2002, the N.Y.P.D. Eldawoody’s door, saying it had received a call about mysterious large packages being delivered to his apartment on Staten Island. Eldawoody – who had tried his hand at several sales ventures, from clothing to food, with little success – explained that the packages were merely leather jackets that he planned to resell. The police did not question him further and instead asked if he would work for them; he agreed. In the courtroom, Eldawoody explained that he frequented mosques around the city and reported “anything good or bad” to his handler. Over the course of several months, he attended 575 prayer services. In Eldawoody’s telling, the matter was simple: Siraj was angry at the United States for killing Muslims and suggested bombing Herald Square. Eldawoody’s role was to be a co-conspirator, and in their conversations, it was Siraj who would often bring up violence.
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Pharmacology’s Role and Drug Development in Modern Society
Pharmacology, the science of drugs and their effects on living systems, plays a pivotal role in modern society. With an ever-increasing burden of diseases and health conditions, the development of new medications is vital for improving healthcare outcomes and enhancing quality of life. This article explores the significance of pharmacology and the process of drug development in addressing contemporary health challenges.
**Understanding Pharmacology:**
Pharmacology encompasses a multidisciplinary approach, combining aspects of biology, chemistry, physiology, and pathology to study how drugs interact with biological systems. It delves into the mechanisms of action, therapeutic effects, and potential side effects of medications. By comprehensively understanding these factors, pharmacologists strive to develop safer and more effective drugs for treating various ailments.
**Importance of Drug Development:**
The development of new drugs is essential for combating both prevalent and emerging health threats. Chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disorders, cancer, diabetes, and respiratory ailments continue to impose a significant burden on global health. Moreover, the emergence of novel pathogens, antimicrobial resistance, and environmental factors further underscore the need for innovative pharmaceutical solutions.
**Phases of Drug Development:**
The journey from drug discovery to market availability is a complex and rigorous process comprising several distinct phases:
1. **Drug Discovery:** Scientists identify potential drug candidates through various means, including screening natural compounds, designing molecules using computational methods, or repurposing existing drugs for new indications.
2. **Preclinical Research:** Promising drug candidates undergo extensive laboratory testing to assess their safety, efficacy, and pharmacokinetic properties in cellular and animal models.
3. **Clinical Trials:** Drug candidates that demonstrate favorable preclinical results advance to clinical trials, which consist of three sequential phases:
– **Phase I:** Involves testing the drug’s safety and dosage in a small group of healthy volunteers.
– **Phase II:** Evaluates the drug’s efficacy and side effects in a larger group of individuals with the targeted disease or condition.
– **Phase III:** Further assesses the drug’s safety and efficacy in a diverse population across multiple locations to establish its therapeutic benefits and risks.
4. **Regulatory Approval:** Following successful completion of clinical trials, pharmaceutical companies submit comprehensive data to regulatory authorities such as the FDA in the United States or the EMA in Europe for approval to market the drug.
5. **Post-Marketing Surveillance:** Even after approval, ongoing monitoring is crucial to detect any unforeseen adverse effects and ensure the drug’s continued safety and efficacy in real-world settings.
**Challenges and Future Directions:**
Despite significant advancements in pharmacology and drug development, several challenges persist. These include escalating research and development costs, regulatory hurdles, ethical considerations, and the increasing complexity of diseases. Additionally, disparities in access to medications and healthcare services remain a global concern.
Looking ahead, emerging technologies such as precision medicine, gene editing, and artificial intelligence offer promising avenues for personalized therapies and targeted drug development. Collaborative efforts among researchers, clinicians, pharmaceutical companies, and policymakers are imperative to address these challenges and harness the full potential of pharmacology in improving global health outcomes.
In conclusion, pharmacology plays a central role in modern society by driving the development of new medications to combat a myriad of health challenges. Through continuous innovation and collaboration, the field of pharmacology holds immense promise for enhancing healthcare delivery and promoting well-being worldwide.
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Sebelum kisah ini di mulai perkenalkan namaku Bayu, aku mempunyai seorang istri yang lumayan cantik.
Rambut hitam panjang dan lurus, kulitnya putih mulus, matanya kecoklatan. Ukuran toketnya lumayan gede 36B.
Aku pertama kali jatuh cinta sama istriku gara-gara kepencut sama toketnya.
Tapi Dicerita ini, aku akan bercerita tentang adik istriku atau adikm iparku yang
gak kalah mulus sama istriku. Namanya Ayu, umurnya 25tahun. Kalau dilihat dari bodynya
sih hampir mirip tapi masih lebih montok adik iparku.
Waktu itu aku pulang kerja agak malam. Istriku yang penakut mengajak
adiknya untuk tidur di rumah kami untuk menemaninya (tapi itu tanpa sepengetahuanku).
Aku sampai rumah pukul 23.00 WIB. Rasa penat dengan pekerjaan ditambah udara dingin buat aku horni berat.
Aku langsung saja mandi. Pintu kamar mandi sengaja kubuka lebar dan aku
menikmati air hangat untuk melepas lelahku. Karena aku sudah horni berat, aku memutuskan untuk ngocok kontolku.
Tapi pada saat sedang asyik-asyiknya ngocok dan kontolku lagi tegang maksimal.
Ayu : Lho mas Bayu sudah pulang…kog gak kedengeran suara mobilnya.
Aku sangat kaget banget mendengar suara Ayu, spontan saja aku langsung
balik badan.
Aku : Ayu…kamu nginep sini ya?
Ayu : Iya mas, mba Yuyun yang nyuruhku untuk nginep disini soalnya dia takut di rumah sendiri katanya mas pulang malem.
Oya mas mandi kog pintunya gak ditutup sih…
Aku : Maaf habisnya udah kebiasaan sih…lagian aku kira gak ada kamu
Ayu : Oh…ih tuh burung mas goyang-goyang hahahaaa…
Aku : Ini bukan burung lagi ini kontol namanya
Ayu : Hahaaaa…habisnya lucu sih geleng-geleng kayak burung cari
Aku : Hahahaa…bisa aja kamu Yuk..oya tengah malem gini
bangun mau ngapain?
Ayu : Kebelet pipis mas…kan kamar mandinya cuma satu
aja…minggir mas aku mau pipis dulu.
Aku : Gak lihat apa aku mandi aja belum selesai…ya udah
pipis di toilet aja.
Ayu : Tapi mas, aku kalau pipis kebiasaan harus lepas celana biar gak basah
Aku : Ya udah lepas aja gitu aja kog repot lagian aku juga gak
ganggu pipismu kog.
Ayu : Entar kamu lihat memek aku lagi…
Aku : Kalau cuma memek setiap hari aku juga lihat
memek kakak kamu dah biasa.
Ayu : Kalau memekku beda mas,special edition, masih seret belum
pernah dimasukin kontol bengkak kayak punyamu.
Aku : Jelas aja kamu mainnya sama brondong yang kontolnya kecil hahahaaa.
Dan karena sudah kebelet banget Ayu pun melepas celananya dan terlihatlah memek mungilnya.
Aku pun melihatnya cara dia pipis.
Aku : Jadi itu ya memek specialnya, Spesial
empuk maksudnya.
Ayu : Ih mas gangguin aja, tuh liat kontolmu yang keras kayak batang kayu.
Kasian ya udah horni, tapi mbak Yuyunnya udah tidur, gak bisa tersalurkan akhirnya ngocok
Aku : Dasar Ayu…
Ayu : Mau Ayu bantuin mas?
Aku : Bantuin apa?
Ayu : Ya buat bantuin biar ketegangan dikontol
mas reda…tapi jangan bilang sama mbak Yuyun ya mas….janji…
Aku : Beres jangan khawatir…ayo Yuk buruan…keburu kakak kamu bangun.
Dan tanpa disuruh tangan imut Ayu langsung meremas dan mengocok kontolku yang
sudah sangat menegang.
Ayu : Ukuran kontolmu gede juga ya mas, pantes mbak Yuyun hobi ngentot sama kamu mas.
Bukanya dulu pas masih pacaran kamu pernah mengirim gambar kontolmu ke hp dia.
Dia samapi kanget dan melempar Hpnya. Karena aku penasaran akhirnya aku mengambil Hpnya dan melihat
gambar kontolmu. Dan sekarang gak nyangka kalau bakal
megang langsung kontol kakak iparku sendiri. Hampir 10 menit Ayu mengocok kontolku, bukannya keluar tapi malah bikin kontolku makan tegang dan keras.
Ayu : Lho mas, udah 10 menit aku mengocoknya
bukanya keluar malah tambah besar dan keras kan jadi pegal tangaku.
Aku : Kalau tanganmu pegal gantian aja pakai mulutmu.
Ayu : Maksudmu aku suruh nyepong kontolmu gitu?
Aku : Iyalah..biar cepet keluar dan kamu gak pegal lagi.
Ayu : YA udah buruan siram dulu tuh kontolmu masih bnayak sabunnya
Setelah kusiram air, Ayu pun langsung melahap kontolku dengan liarnya.
Aku : Pinter juga kamu nyepong…kontoku rasanya nyut-nyutan Yuk…
Enak banget deh…kamu pasti sering nyepong
pacarmu ya?
Ayu : Udah jangan banyak omong mas nikmatin aja.
Emang aku dulu sering nyepong mantan-mantanku mas.
Dan baru kali ini aku nyepong kontol yang usianya paling tua.
Aku : Biarpun tua tapi besar dan mantab kan Yuk…hahahaha
Ayu : Bisa ja kamu mas, udah ah diam jadi gak fokus nih nyepongnya
10 menit sudah Ayu nyepongin kontolku tapi tetep aja aku
belum bisa keluar.
Ayu : Mas aku kog jadi horni gini ya…habisnya daritadi mainin kontolmu terus sih…memekku jadi basah deh.
Aku : Coba sini aku pegang.
Aku langsung meraba memek Ayu dan ternyata benar memeknya
sudah basah. Tanpa panjang lebar lagi langsung
saja jari tengaku kumasukkan dalam lubang memeknya. Kukocok memeknya
dan Ayu pun mendesah pelan.
.Ayu : Ssthhhh..aaaahhh…enak banget mas…kocokanmu
nikmat sekali…kocok terus maasss…aaaahhhh….aku mau keluar maaasss…
Aku : Tahan dulu Yuk, aku yang daritadi aja belum keluar masa kamu yang gitu aja udah mau
Ayu : Ya udah kalau gitu masukin ja kontolmu ke dalam lubang memekku…Aku juga horni berat nih mas…
“Sleeeppp…bleeesss….” akhirnya kontolku masuk ke dalam lubang memek Ayu.
Aku : Benar katamu Yuk…memekmu benar-benar spesial…spesial seret kayak masih perawan..aaahhh…
Ayu : Hehehe…ternyata enakan sama kontol gede ya mas…aaahhh…genjot terus maaasss…aaahhh….aku mau keluar maasss…
Aku : Kita keluarin bareng ya Yuuukk…keluarin dimana Yuk?
Ayu : Diluar aja mass…takut hamil
Aku dan Ayu : Aaahhhh…yeessss…ooohhh…..
(kita berdua meraih orgasme bersamaan.
Cairan spermaku pun berceceran diperut Ayu semua, setelah itu
aku basuh spermaku yang menempel pada perutnya dan kucebokin memek Ayu
Ayu : Enak banget mas, jadi ketagihan. Sekarang maunya sama kontol gede aja ga
mau sama kontol kecil lagi…sini mas kubersihin kontolmu.
Aku dan Ayu mandi bareng. Setelah selesai kami berdua berbenah.
Aku langsung masuk ke kamar tidur di samping
istriku, sedangkan Ayu masuk ke kamar sebelah.
Aku jadi khilaf karena melihat memek adik iparku sendiri.
Khilaf yang membawa kenikmatan.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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Write more, thats all I have to say. Literally, it seems as though
you relied on the video to make your point. You
clearly know what youre talking about, why waste your intelligence on just posting videos
to your weblog when you could be giving us something enlightening to read?
When I initially commented I clicked the „Notify me when new comments are added“
checkbox and now each time a comment is added I get several emails with the same comment.
Is there any way you